That day I was very busy with my appointments for healing and teaching sessions. I received a call from a teenage girl for a Tarot reading appointment. I said it is a session to be conducted in a relaxed way, so that she can come next week with prior appointment. But suddenly she started crying and repeating the same. Finally she was given time during late hours around 8p.m. She doesn’t mind waiting. It took 20 minutes for her to explain her story of continuous failures in all aspects. After listening patiently ,I could come to a conclusion .The root cause of her problem is the negative seed planted in her deepest mind by her own mother as an unlucky child .That was because of the continuous problems her mother had been facing from the time of her birth. Poor Young girl couldn’t shine in education or any other extracurricular activities in spite of her efforts. Becoming depressed and felt like committing suicide often.
shanthy 's Tarology |
When I did Tarot reading about her future I was astonished to see the cards coming to her as Wheel of fortune, sun, empress, eight of pentacles like that. When I started explaining about her lucky cards, she couldn’t believe. It took 2 hours for me to train her mind and she was suggested for Anti entropic healing sessions for a week to get programmed. Today she is shining as a popular classical singer like the brightest sun card. Our Tarot ethics is to maintain secrets of our clients.
What is the problem here? Either U have to understand what you are or get guided by a neutral person who may be your teacher, philosopher or Guru. Because based on mind science our subconscious mind is a parrot conscious mind. Whatever message or comment given to us will get recorded and replayed thousand times. We won’t allow our super conscious mind which is conscious like a swarn in nature to verify whether it is correct or not. Positive people can see the inner potential of another person and do motivation, whereas the negative people can only see the weakness and keep pinpointing under the banner of shaping.
We should use our intuition to know our inner strength and weakness. Catch hold of your strength and keep working towards your target. Intuition is nothing but your own inner teacher who is guiding you with inner voice. U can consider this as an inner spiritual guidance also. Otherwise, see that you are surrounded or guided by positive people. That doesn’t mean you have to avoid the negative people who may be in your closest circle. Because it is your duty to help them to get influenced by your positivity.
Contemporary cell research is now based on the principles of Quantum Physics that shows the world as being created out of energy. Researchers have now demonstrated that our cells’ membranes contain special proteins called Integral Membrane Proteins (IMPs) that respond to energy signals from the external and internal environment. These are important findings because they acknowledge that biological behavior can be controlled by “invisible” energy forces, which include thought.
We should learn the art of healing ourselves through prayer, meditation or conscious intention. Shut off your internal mind-talk and concentrate your attention through prayer, meditation or contemplation. Tune yourselves into this subtle, spiritual, quantum-level life health energy. When this energy is allowed to transfer to your DNA (without interruption from negative attitudes), it affects the molecular and cellular levels that drive all your physical metabolic processes. We are all connected to each other and to the energy source that makes up the universe. We are totally inter-dependent.
Our body, our brain, our consciousness are inextricably joined with other matter in the universe. Every atom and molecule within us depends on the rest of the universe. Our brain and other parts of our neural physiology are interconnected by this unseen communication network which coordinates and regulates behavior of certain parts of the body. Learn the art of connecting yourself with the life health energy in the universe.